"In order to achieve distant goals through consistent actions — Product Technology Center conducts a series of standardized training sessions.


On the afternoon of November 25, 2022, at 2 o'clock, the standardized training series organized by the Product Technology Center officially commenced in the training classroom on the second floor of the company. This training mainly explained the documents 'Design Refinement Control Procedures' and 'Key Points for Implementation of Design Refinement Standardization', with the aim of enhancing the internal engineers' awareness of standardization within the center and promoting the standardized development of special container work. The training was conducted by Chief Standardization Engineer Liu Fangzhong, and all members of the Product Technology Center attended the training.

At the beginning of the training, Director Xue Feng said during the opening, 'The company has established relatively comprehensive product design and development management processes and standards. Each engineer can only improve and enhance the quality of work by familiarizing themselves with these documents and executing them meticulously. We hope that through this series of standardized training, we can resolve some of the confusion everyone faces in their work and thus better carry out product design and development work.

Following that, the training instructor, Liu Fangzhong, began the formal training. Using the container work process as an entry point, he emphasized the work content and requirements of each link, and provided detailed explanations of the potential pitfalls and points of attention within the workflow. As the saying goes, it is better to teach someone how to fish than to give them fish, and Mr. Liu also shared his wealth of experience from many years in the industry. Without learning, one cannot excel; without ambition, one cannot even learn. Mr. Liu sincerely hopes that all engineers can learn with questions, integrate theory throughout the entire process of thinking, decision-making, and work execution. This is the way to avoid emptiness due to mere words and losing weight due to arrogance.

The two-hour training session unconsciously approached its conclusion. Finally, Director Xue summarized the following three points from this training session: Firstly, carry out work according to the workflow and standards, cultivating good work habits. Secondly, actively explore the standardization of special container design. Standardization can reduce the time from design to delivery, lower production costs, and increase market responsiveness. Thirdly, always maintain a clear and sober mind, avoiding both complacency and impatience. Always maintain the determination to face challenges and the drive to forge ahead. Delve into the details without fear of complexity, and continue working without fear of hardship. Uphold responsibilities and maintain a clear direction, ensuring the avoidance of any preventable problems and progressing together with the company.

The theme of this training session was clear, and the content was substantial. It is believed that everyone gained substantial benefits during this period. We must always practice consistently and diligently, as constancy is valuable. The closer we get to our goals, the more we must remember the principle of 'When the pole is loosened, the boat drifts a thousand yards.' We must maintain unchanging confidence, unwavering goals, steadfast direction, and unrelenting determination to achieve distant success."