DongGuan Southern CIMC Logistics Equipment Manufacture Co., Ltd. held a series of celebratory events to mark the 40th anniversary of CIMC Group's production.


On the morning of September 22, 2022, a special and joyful day marking the 40th anniversary of CIMC Group's production, DongGuan Southern CIMC Logistics Equipment Manufacture Co., Ltd. held a flag-raising ceremony to celebrate the 40th anniversary of CIMC Group's production on the lawn in front of the company's office building. General Manager Liu Xiaoxu, Deputy General Manager Chen Jinghua, Assistant General Manager Yang Jun, and other leaders, as well as representatives from various departments and workers, totaling about 160 people, participated in the flag-raising ceremony. All attendees stood solemnly wearing matching red CIMC Day commemorative shirts, turning the scene into a sea of red. The ceremony was hosted by Manager Wu Gang from the Management Planning Department.

Raising one flag together, sharing one home of love. At 9:22 am, the commanding words of "Flag bearers, please raise the flag" rang out powerfully from the host, Manager Wu Gang of the Management Planning Department. Nine flag bearers, facing the brilliant morning glow, stood tall and marched with determined steps toward the flag-raising area. The spirited "March of the Volunteers" resonated, and all attendees turned towards the national flag, paying a solemn salute, standing in tribute. Following that, the resounding "CIMC Song" also echoed in the company's airspace. The gradually ascending flag represents the company's unwavering stride forward.

Next, General Manager Liu Xiaoxu delivered a speech for this CIMC Day event, conveying festive greetings and sincere thanks to all cadres and workers on behalf of the company's management. He pointed out: "From a humble start to a resplendent future, Southern CIMC, as the birthplace of CIMC Group, has fearlessly weathered storms and made progress over the past forty years. From a small workshop in Shekou to the dream factory in Pingshan, and then to the benchmark factory in Fenggang, the company has steadfastly pursued technological innovation and lean improvement, making continuous contributions to the industry's development. Especially in 2020-2021, the company seized historical opportunities and achieved remarkable results, making outstanding contributions to the national strategy of 'stabilizing foreign trade and promoting growth.'"

Despite the ever-changing international situation and increased market uncertainty, Southern CIMC is confident and capable of responding to changes in the external market environment. At the same time, Southern CIMC will uphold the group's development philosophy of "striving for self-improvement and pursuing excellence," with the spirit of the "two 'haves' and three 'dares'" team spirit: having ideals, having a sense of responsibility, daring to innovate, daring to create, daring to work, and adopting the work style of "doing one's best, seeking perfection," to embark on the third wave of entrepreneurship and advance vigorously towards the established strategic goal of "two wings soaring together."

Subsequently, company executives and department staff signed their names and took a group photo in front of the 40th-anniversary celebration backdrop. Then, they visited the company's under-construction office building together.

At noon, the company prepared a sumptuous free lunch and fruits for all employees.

At 6:30 pm, the company organized representatives from various departments, about 120 people in total, to watch the live broadcast of the CIMC Group's 40th-anniversary celebration in the training room and the workers' home viewing room. They collectively witnessed and experienced the 40-year development journey of the group. Before the live broadcast started, the company organized a fun emoji activity and a question-and-answer session to enhance the atmosphere, which at times reached its climax.

During the viewing process, when the host announced that DongGuan Southern CIMC Logistics Equipment Manufacture Co., Ltd. was one of the five companies awarded the title of "Outstanding Contribution Enterprise" for the CIMC Group's 40th-anniversary celebration, and the sight of General Manager Liu Xiaoxu receiving the award on behalf of the company, a strong sense of pride swept through the audience, as this honor belonged to every Southern CIMC employee.

The 40 years of time cannot fully capture the journey of CIMC's arduous entrepreneurship; the 40 years of time cannot fully depict the blueprint of generations of CIMC people striving and fighting; the 40 years of time also cannot fully convey the magnificent brilliance of CIMC. Let us move forward with this 40-year report card as our guide.