Passionate "CIMC Cup", ignited this summer - Celebrating the 40th anniversary of CIMC, "Cultural Journey" - Five-a-side football Finals


 On August 8, 2022, the last round of the Southern CIMC Five-a-side football Round-robin tournament ushered in. After the intense competition in the first two rounds, today will be the most exciting final match. At the same time, the organizing committee also organized a fun shooting and winning limited edition "big episode" doll event during the halftime, allowing all employees and cheerleaders on site to experience the charm brought by happy football together.

I still remember playing in the last round of the game was called a fierce one. After a period of time at the beginning of the game, the Flying Eagles were two goals behind the Strugglers. They did not give up on themselves, but seized the opportunity tightly and fought tenaciously in the last two minutes, never giving up. They simply kicked the score to a 3-3 draw. This reversal reignited the enthusiastic cheers of the game that was about to end.

And the Lingyun and Chengfeng teams played even more fiercely, it was both fierce and fierce. In the first half, the Chengfeng team scored four goals in a row, which can be said to be a spring breeze and a horse hoof disease. Everyone was radiant and energetic. But in the second half, under the strategic guidance of coach Wu Gang, the lagging Lingyun team swept away their decline and launched the strongest attack again. After a fierce battle, Lingyun team staged a big counterattack today and ultimately won 6-4. Such a brilliant "plot" is unbelievable.

Today is the third round match and the final match of Five-a-side football. The teams competing today are: Strugglers vs Lingyun; Flying Eagles vs Riding Wind. Let's wait and see what sparks these four teams will spark together.

The game has started. First, let's take a look at the match between the Strugglers team and the Lingyun team. Today's championship will be contested between these two teams. At the beginning of the game, both team members gathered a twelve point spirit and fought nervously against each other. In the first half, Lingyun's momentum was like a rainbow, almost overwhelming the Strugglers. Repeated shots, unfortunately saved by the goalkeeper or hit the goalpost, are both dangerous and dangerous for the Strugglers. Although the Strugglers team is temporarily at a "disadvantage", they are not discouraged and demonstrate their fighting spirit. In this way, both sides remained deadlocked until the first half was over and neither side scored a goal.

During the halftime, Manager Liu Xiaoxu, the coach of Strugglers, immediately adjusted the deployment to address the shortcomings of the team in the first half, boosting morale. When the time came to the second half, the effect was immediate, and the game scene changed significantly. The Endeavor team's offensive force was significantly improved, and the defense was as stable as Mount Tai. In the 5th minute of the second half, the number 9 of the Strugglers broke the deadlock first, seizing a counterattack opportunity and volleying a dead corner to score. In the past two minutes, Ling Yun's Zeng Kang created a crisis in the opponent's penalty area and scored a powerful goal. The two sides drew, and the game became increasingly exciting. But within 10 seconds, after receiving a midline ball from a teammate in the middle of the field, the Fighters Team No. 9 suddenly fired a cold arrow and a 28 meter long-range stunning long-range shot directly scored, followed by a hat trick. At this time, the Fighters Team had already boosted their morale. In the final minute of the game, the Strugglers continued to adhere to the football strategy guided by General Manager Liu - defense and counterattack. After being attacked multiple times, the Strugglers goalkeeper threw the ball directly to the forward. The Strugglers' 9th team once again scored a wonderful goal for everyone, scoring four goals alone, marking the only "big four" of this game, setting the score at 4:1, and the cheers ignited the entire field, In the end, General Manager Liu led the Strugglers team to win and win the championship.

The Flying Eagles team on the other side VS the Riding Wind team are equally exciting. Both sides had a good opening rhythm and were not very anxious. They were both testing each other's strengths. It wasn't until Wang Xiaohong from the Flying Eagles scored a goal and her balance was broken that the Chengfeng team launched a fierce attack. With Wang Xiaohongmei from the Flying Eagles scoring twice, the first half of the game ended. The team members of both sides quickly adjusted their strategies during their break time, while the Flying Eagles mainly focused on defense and attacked whenever they had the opportunity. And the Chengfeng team doesn't need to mention it, just two words: attack. After the start of the second half, several attacks organized by the Chengfeng team almost hit the goal. Wang Xiaohong from the Flying Eagles also scored a hat trick, scoring three goals alone. In the end, Manager Liu Changfu led the Flying Eagles team to win 5-1.

With the whistle of the referee, the "China Cup Five-a-side football Football Match" ended completely. Everyone has feelings of reluctance, regrets, and of course, more joy. According to the statistics of the referee team, the top three teams in this competition are: the first place Strugglers team, the second place Lingyun team, and the third place Flying Eagles team.

Figure: Manager Wu Gang presents commemorative awards to team leaders and captains

Image: The Chengfeng team won the Unity and Struggle Award

Image: Manager Wu Gang awards Best Shooter He Jiawei

Next is the award ceremony segment of the closing ceremony: Firstly, Manager Wu Gang will present limited edition souvenirs for the team leader and team leader. At the same time, He Jiawei, the player who scored a total of 8 goals in three matches of the Strugglers' 9th team, was awarded the Best Shooter Award. Subsequently, Manager Wu Gang presented the Unity and Struggle Award and a box of milk to each member of the Chengfeng team. Next, Manager Liu Changfu presented a gift of Electric toothbrush to the third place Flying Eagle Team; Vice General Manager Chen Jinghua presented a gift fascia gun to the runner up Lingyun Team. Finally, Mr. Li Zhihong, the customer representative, presented the champion prize Xiaomi Intelligent Bracelet and Champion Trophy to the champion team.

Image: The Flying Eagles won third place

Image: Lingyun Team Wins runner up

Image: Mr. Li Zhihong, the customer representative, presented the award to the Champion Strugglers team 

Image: The Strugglers team wins the championship

The "CIMC Cup Five-a-side football Football Match" came to a successful conclusion, and each team showed their own style and spirit of struggle! The team spirit of 'daring to venture, innovate, and work' has also been applied to the football field. During this period of over a month, although everyone competed fiercely on the field, they also established a deep friendship. Finally, let's look forward to the upcoming Cultural Miles Tour "Dongguan Southern CIMC Basketball Tournament" event.